Natural Green Burials
by the Green Burial Council
Natural Burials
Phillips-Robinson Funeral Home is proud to be the only funeral home in Middle Tennessee recognized by the Green Burial Council as a certified green burial provider and to offer families the option of natural burial at Larkspur Conservation.
Larkspur Conservation Nature Preserve for Natural Burial
Larkspur Conservation is Tennessee's first natural burial ground dedicated to earth-friendly natural burial practices and mindful recreation. Larkspur is 112 acres of meadows and woodland landscapes located in Sumner County, Tennessee. The property opened in 2018 and is protected by the Nature Conservancy. Whether you prefer a traditional natural burial or burial of cremated remains, Phillips-Robinson Funeral Home can help.
For information, visit Larkspur Conservation's website HERE or call Phillips-Robinson Funeral Home at 615-262-3312.

What Does A Natural Burial Look Like?
This is one of the most common questions we get asked. Below is a series of photos from green burials, as well as shots from around the nature preserve. To the families that have given permission for Larkspur to share these photos from their families’ burial ceremonies — thank you.